My Oracle HRMS Experiences!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Custom Assignment Sets

10:12 AM Posted by Mohammed Abdur Rahman No comments
A very useful feature provided by Oracle HRMS is the ability to create custom assignment sets, though this feature is not fully illustrated with good examples anywhere. I will show in this post the use of custom assignment sets, how to create and maintain them.

The custom assignment sets can be used to create an assignment set based on some criteria. It’s different from creating an assignment set manually wherein the user has to type the employee name or number to include or exclude the employees. Suppose, we need to process a supplementary payroll run for Accounts Department and there are around 200 employees in this department. Without custom assignment sets, the user will have to create an assignment set, manually enter these employee numbers and process the payroll.

To automate this process, we can use assignment sets. This will create assignment sets based on some criteria like organization, location, assignment category etc. To create an assignment set, we need to broadly follow the following steps based on requirements.

1. Navigate to [HR Responsibility] > Payroll > Assignment Set

2. Type a name for the assignment set and select the payroll for which this assignment set is applicable and save the changes.

3. Click on Criteria Button to enter the criteria.

In this example I am creating an assignment set where the employees whose organization is “Accounts Payable Department” will be included in this assignment set. Save the changes and close.

4. Click on Generate button to generate this run set.

5. Now this assignment set can be used, whenever we submit the payroll and the employees who meet the above criteria will be included in the payroll run or in any process which includes the assignment set.

6. We can verify whether the assignment set is correct or not by the following:

Here the total number of assignments generated is 12. Now if the number of employees in the Accounts payable Department are 12, the assignment set has generated correctly.
We can view the number of employees in a department by using the navigation:

{HRMS Responsibility] > View > Lists > Workforce By Organization

7. The custom assignment sets can be used to generate assignment set for employees:

  •  Who are working in a particular department
  • Who are working in a particular location
  • Who are receiving a particular allowance
  • Who have a particular salary basis

These are few examples and there are many more conditions we can build.

Note: In case we want to exclude any employee from this assignment set, we can exclude. But we should not create a combination of Include and Exclude assignment set.